Thursday, May 16

Tag: Republican party

Republican Politician Extorted Over Gay Sex Tape

Republican Politician Extorted Over Gay Sex Tape

Republican candidate for Wisconsin state assembly, Peter Schmidt was blackmailed for $50,000 by a man that claimed to have a video of the politician performing oral sex on another man. The self-proclaimed “strong conservative and christian” won the republican primary earlier this month by 64 votes before reports of the allegations were made public. Schmidt made the criminal complaint in 2019 when an employee on his family farm threatened to send a video of Schmidt performing oral sex on another man to his family unless he received $50,000. Schmidt was able to negotiate with the alleged blackmailer, getting the price down to $5000 before contacting authorities and telling his family himself.   “I’m a strong conservative and Christian, but there was a brief moment I struggled wit...
Freedom Caucus Comes Out Against Marriage Equality
Politics, US

Freedom Caucus Comes Out Against Marriage Equality

The farthest right-leaning Republicans are openly returning to their anti-LGBTQ+ platform as the overturning of Roe v. Wade has opened the door for the dismantlement of other human rights. The House Freedom Caucus came out against the “Respect for Marriage Act” on Friday, a bill that passed earlier this week that seeks to codify same-sex and interracial marriage into law.  In a statement, the House Freedom Caucus said that "the radical left has launched an all-out campaign on America's traditional values and sacred institutions." Adding that they believe that marriage equality "has weakened the nuclear family, attacked the norms of masculinity and femininity, and now it wants to further erode the sacred institutions of marriage."  While the House Freedom Caucus opposes same-sex...