Friday, May 3


Supreme Court Rules That Yeshiva University Must Recognize Gay Student Group

Supreme Court Rules That Yeshiva University Must Recognize Gay Student Group

The Supreme Court denied the Jewish university’s emergency request to block lower court orders requiring it to recognize a gay student group. Yesterday's Supreme Court decision does however allow for the university to continue pushing the issue in lower courts. The university has argued that recognizing the club violates its religious freedom. A New York court had previously ordered the university to recognize the club in order to comply with the states anti-discrimination laws. This led the university to take the matter to the Supreme Court. The ruling was made by a divided court as the university’s emergency request was denied by a 5-4 vote.  The decision is significant as some feared that the Supreme Court’s conservative majority would use the opportunity to set a major prec...
Supreme Court Temporarily Sides With University Wanting to Ban LGBT Clubs

Supreme Court Temporarily Sides With University Wanting to Ban LGBT Clubs

U.S. Supreme Court Justice Sonia Sotomayor has granted Yeshiva University’s request to block a LGBT student group at the university, for now. This after the university claimed that forcing it to recognize the club would violate its religious values. Sotomayor’s ruling temporarily blocks a lower-court decision that ordered the university to recognize the club in order to comply with New York City’s antidiscrimination policies. Sotomayor’s ruling hints at the Supreme Court considering Yeshiva University’s request and potentially deciding to allow them to make the ban permanent in the future. Blocking any future attempts to make LGBT clubs official at the university. Yeshiva University’s Pride Alliance along with several students sued the university last year over its refusal to recogn...